Sunday, 7 April 2019

Winners don't do different things, they do things differently.

Winner's dont do different things, they do things differently-
Today the world is running behind money,  everyone wants to win the world everyone wants to be successful but very less people be great.  There were many freedom fighters but some great fighters who gave revolution through their works are well known.
People who are winners who are successful they never lose ,  they are ever ready to accept their failures and work over it to win the world. There are 50 students in the class everyone is taught same and together but only 1 tops the class because his/ her way of learning is different.  They are never satisfied with what they have their thrust for knowledge and they top.
Winners compete with themselves they improve their work and succeed.  Loosing hope is the sign of loosers and improvement brings out winners. Winners have the distinctive quality that most people lack in themselves that is excellence.

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