Sunday, 7 April 2019

Every cloud has a silver lining

Every cloud has a silver lining-
It means that one should never be hopeless because difficult times always lead to better days.
This proverb is usually used to encourage the person to overcome his difficulties and enable to see positive way ahead.
Sometimes a shining sun is covered by the cloud which causes darkness all around, but the tinted shade around the cloud shows the presence of light behind it. It is used to convey a notion that no matter however  the situation is there is always a positive aspect behind it. Sorrows and grief are temporary,  happiness is always followed by bad times. Happiness is valuable after grief. This proverb teaches to not to lose hope and stay inspired in every situation. It reminds us to be optimistic and hopeful.  Like the silver tint on the edges of cloud, happiness lurks behind the darkest hour. 

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