Monday, 22 April 2019

Joy and woe are woven fine- William Blake


William Blake is an English poet and painter.  He has given an amazing poem joy and woe are woven fine.  The title itself gives life learning. Two important aspects of life are described in the poem. Everything in nature has two sides same way the life also has two sides and those are joy and woe - happiness and grief.

This poem teaches us to be stable in life whether it is a time of joy or grief. Joy and woe are necessary things of life they are the clothes of our souls. Joy and woe help to build our character and opens our mind to accept the surrounding.  It wraps our soul giving it experiences and results in its unique character and identity. One cannot value happiness without the darkness of sadness and cannot feel grief without happiness.  There's always a bright morning after the darkest night. There's also hidden happiness in the grief one needs to find it out.

Joe and woe are woven fine,
A clothing for the soul divine,
Under every grief and pine,
Runs a joy with silken twine.
It is right it should be so,
We were made for joy and woe,
And when this we rightly know,
Through the world, we safely go.

Here poet says that our soul's clothing is woven with threads of both joy and woe and that parts, where the threads of grief seem to predominate there, run underneath the silken twine of joy if we look carefully.
Man is made for joy and woe. Poet wants people to accept this truth of life. Once you know this you can move safely in the world. Live happy in every phase of life,  it is the only key to the best life.

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