Monday, 22 April 2019

Daybreak - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

H. WLongfellow was an American poet of 19th century.  The poem 'Day Break' is the nature's poem taken from his collection 'Birds of Passage'. 

The central idea of the poem is urging for work.  It gives idea to live a life and be ready for challenges and opportunities. To live in presence and cherish it with full enthusiasm.

Here, the rhyming scheme is AABB. The figure of speech used here is Metaphor and Personification. Here the wind is personified by a 'breezy blow'.  Poem is presented in a form of dialogue in 9 couplets.  The poem is focused on why nature is bless.

At dawn, the wind started to blow with the message to awakening to all the natural agents and to human kind.  Before the dawn the nature was hazy, Full of mist, making air heavy and still.

With a day break,  wind from the sea started to blow and request the mist to give it a passage to blow. It clarifies that one have to make their own passage to achieve life goals. Next it hailed to the anchored ships to wake up, upraise the sails and start their voyage ( journey to the life goal)  as a night is gone. It hurriedly moved to the land crying out to human kind to wake up as it is a day.

Next it flew to forests and shouted to make an murmuring sound and open its leaves as a flag of nature.  It touched the wings of birds in wood sleeping with folded wings so that they could start its flight.  It went to farm and requested the domestic crow to crow a trumpet to know the the world that its dawn and day is near.  It's your time to achieve life.

Flying and flying it went to field of ripe corn and asked to bow down with the heavy heads to the approaching day and welcome it. It shouted to the 'belfry tower' - Awake and ring a bell to declare an hour of early morning.

The journey of the wind ended to the churchyard- a burial.  The wind went a sigh to the people lying with peace.  The coarse of the land came to the end providing message to all to wake up feeling its not an hour for them to wake up.

This is a beautiful poem with the personified sea wind as a source of joy and freshness.


  1. where is metaphor used in the poem

  2. ‘Daybreak’ with reference to the figure of speech highlighted all
    through the poem!!!!??????


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