Wednesday, 15 February 2023

The Only Story- Julian Barnes (Worksheet 2)

Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my experience solving worksheets assigned by Dr. Dilip Barad. In this blog post, I will discuss the various worksheets that were assigned to us in class and how I used ChatGPT to solve them.

Julian Barnes


Explain the quotation from Julain Barnes’s novel ‘The Only Story. (Using ChatGPT)

“Would you rather love the more, and suffer the more; or 
love the less, and suffer the less? That is, I think, finally, 
the only real question. You may point out – correctly – 
that it isn’t a real question. Because we don’t have a 
choice. If we had the choice, then there would be a 
question. But we don’t, so there isn’t. Who can control
how much they love? If you can control it, then it isn’t 
love. I don’t know what you call it instead, but it isn’t love.”

The quotation from Julian Barnes's novel The Only Story is a reflection on the nature of love and the unavoidable connection between love and suffering. The speaker presents a supposed choice between two alternatives: either loving deeply and experiencing intense suffering or loving less and experiencing less suffering. This framing of the situation is meant to suggest that there is a trade-off between the intensity of love and the amount of suffering one experiences.

However, the speaker then goes on to argue that this supposed choice is not a real one. The reason for this is that one cannot control the amount of love they feel, and therefore the amount of suffering they will experience as a result. If love could be controlled or regulated, then it wouldn't truly be love at all. The speaker notes that there may be a different word to describe a controlled or regulated emotion, but it wouldn't be love.

In this way, the speaker is making the point that love is a complex and often unpredictable force, one that cannot be controlled or regulated. The connection between love and suffering is a fundamental aspect of the experience of love, and it is an inescapable part of the human condition. The speaker is suggesting that, ultimately, the only real question is not whether to love more or less but to simply accept the inevitable connection between love and suffering and embrace it for what it is.

Who is Uncle Humphrey? How / why is this minor character significant in the novel? (Using ChatGPT)
Uncle Humphrey is a minor character in Julian Barnes's novel The Only Story. From the passage you provided, it can be inferred that Uncle Humphrey is a relative of the narrator, who is depicted as abusive and sexually assaulting the narrator during her childhood. The significance of Uncle Humphrey in the novel is that he serves as a representation of the harm and trauma that can be inflicted by those in positions of power and trust.

Through the portrayal of Uncle Humphrey's actions, the novel highlights the devastating impact of sexual abuse and its long-lasting effects on the victim. The speaker's wish that she had bitten his tongue off is a powerful expression of the anger and frustration she feels as a result of the abuse. Uncle Humphrey's actions are depicted as reprehensible and are symbolic of the wider societal issues surrounding sexual violence and abuse.

In this sense, Uncle Humphrey serves as a reminder of the devastating impact that abusive individuals can have on the lives of their victims. Through the character of Uncle Humphrey, the novel highlights the importance of acknowledging and addressing the harm caused by those in positions of power and the need for greater accountability and justice for victims of abuse.

While applying Gerard Genet’s tool of ‘Duration’ in narratology, how can we explain the narrative time and discourse time in Julian Barnes’s ‘The Only Story’? (Using ChatGPT)
In narratology, Gerard Genette's tool of 'Duration' is used to explain the relationship between narrative time and discourse time. In Julian Barnes's novel "The Only Story," the narrative time refers to the time elapsed in the story world, while the discourse time refers to the time it takes for the events of the story to be related to the reader.

For example, in "The Only Story," the narrative time covers several decades, but the discourse time may be compressed to a single moment in which the protagonist recounts the events to the reader. This compression of discourse time can create a sense of immediacy and can affect the reader's experience of the story.

In summary, the concept of Duration in narratology helps to analyze the relationship between the time in which the events of a story occur (narrative time) and the time it takes to narrate those events (discourse time) in Julian Barnes's "The Only Story."

Answer: Discourse time 19/ 20 years of age to 69/ 70 years of age
Narrative time is not specified

Write a brief note on the narrative pattern with its thematic & postmodernist significance.

(Using ChatGPT)
The narrative pattern of "The Only Story" by Julian Barnes is non-linear, with the narrator reflecting on his past experiences from old age. The book explores themes of love, loss, the passage of time, and the limitations of memory. The thematic significance of the book is the portrayal of a universal human experience of the fragility of youth, love, and the inevitability of aging and death.

From a postmodernist perspective, the non-linear structure of the narrative challenges the conventional notions of chronology and linearity. The fragmented and fragmented narrative style emphasizes the unreliability of memory, and the subjectivity of the narrator's perspective, emphasizing the idea that all narratives are subjective constructs. The themes of love and loss are explored from a postmodernist perspective that questions the stability and reliability of human emotions, and the idea that truth is often elusive and subjective.

In "The Only Story" by Julian Barnes, the narrative time follows Gerard Genette's concept of "analepsis" or flashbacks, as the narrator reflects on his past experiences and memories. The story moves back and forth in time, switching between the narrator's present and past experiences, providing insights into the events that shaped his life. This technique adds depth to the narrative and creates a sense of nostalgia and regret. Overall, the narrative time in "The Only Story" exemplifies Genette's idea of a complex, layered structure that interweaves the past and present to create a rich, multi-faceted tale.


Sr. No

Significant Point in Narrative Pattern

Thematic & Postmodernist Significance


Along classical line

Use of the classical definition of the novel from Johnson’s definition; small and of love; address to the reader. 



Woven into wrap and weft; story women in the weft


Unreliable narrator

Conversational side; doubt in habit of writing a diary; incomplete stories e.g.: the case of eric. 


Drifting narration

Change in point of view/ narration; drifting away from love; shattering self-reliance. 

Is Julian Barnes’s ‘The Only Story’ more on suffering than on love? Explain with the help of the Greek etymological meaning of ‘passion’ which means ‘suffering’.
(Using ChatGPT)
"The Only Story" by Julian Barnes is a novel that explores the themes of love and suffering, but it could be argued that suffering is more prominent in the narrative. The Greek word "pathos" (πάθος), from which "passion" is derived, does indeed mean suffering. This is because the ancient Greeks believed that strong emotions, especially those associated with love, could lead to great suffering.

In "The Only Story," the narrator Paul reflects on his life and his love affair with an older woman, Susan, who is also married. The relationship is tumultuous and filled with difficulties, including societal disapproval, Susan's health problems, and the eventual breakdown of their love. Throughout the novel, Paul grapples with the pain and heartache of their relationship, which can be seen as a representation of the suffering that often accompanies passionate love.

However, it is important to note that the novel also explores the positive aspects of love, such as happiness and connection, and the idea that even though love can cause suffering, it is still worth pursuing. Ultimately, "The Only Story" presents a nuanced and complex view of love and suffering, and the relationship between the two.

Patior (Latin etymology)= passion. Passionate attraction towards Susan Macleod turns into suffering. The understanding of love at age 19 to 70 changes, it's not fantasies and cinema; it comes with duty and responsibilities and more understanding.

How would you prove that Julian Barnes’s ‘The Only Story’ is a memory novel?
To prove that Julian Barnes's "The Only Story" is a memory novel, one could examine the narrative structure and themes present in the book.
First, the novel is structured as a series of memories, with the narrator reflecting on events from his past. The story jumps back and forth in time, showing how the narrator's memories have evolved over the years.
Second, the theme of memory and its fallibility is a central concern of the novel. The narrator grapples with how his experiences and perspectives have changed over time, and how his memories may have become distorted or altered.
Additionally, the novel also explores the idea that memories shape our identity and that they can both preserve and erase our experiences. These themes and elements all contribute to the argument that "The Only Story" is a memory novel.


Sr. no

Imp point in the trajectory

Illustrations from the novel


Memory as personal history

Diary and various episodes from the novel e.g. Eric, Max Verstappen


Trauma is memory

The trauma of Susan with Humphrey unce; Trauma of unknown in the bar (his love left him)


Memory and morality

Paul’s friend Eric was beaten in four and Paul ran away with the excuse


Memory prioritizes 

We remember the happy and pastime things more and of self-interest. Paul failing and coming out of love. 

How do you explain ‘rescue fantasy’? [Browse the novel with this keyword. Read and explain] (Using ChatGPT)
Rescue fantasy refers to a recurring daydream or fantasy scenario where a person imagines being saved or rescued from a difficult or dangerous situation by a strong, powerful, or heroic figure. This type of fantasy often provides a sense of comfort and security, as it allows the person to imagine a solution to their problems and a way out of difficult circumstances. It can also tap into deeper emotional needs and desires for protection, love, and support.
A rescue fantasy is a recurring daydream or fantasy scenario where a person imagines being saved from a difficult situation by a strong, powerful, or heroic figure.

"The Only Story" by Julian Barnes is a novel that explores themes of love, aging, and the passage of time. The concept of "rescue fantasy" is not explicitly referred to in the book. However, the main character, Paul, is depicted as having feelings of loneliness and isolation, and he finds solace in a romantic relationship with an older woman, Susan. This relationship could be seen as a form of "rescue" for Paul, in which he finds comfort and companionship in the face of his own emotional struggles.

Paul thought that at 19, Susan was like a Rescue fantasy to him but it was the contrary case. Daydream or fantasy scenario where a person imagines being saved from a difficult situation by a strong, powerful, or heroic figure.

I hope it's useful. Thanks for visiting. 

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