Monday, 30 January 2023

International Conference at Jaipur: Binding the time in the era of war and influenza In The Wasteland and Second Coming

The Department of English at the University of Rajasthan, located in the historical city of Jaipur, had the honor of hosting an international conference on the weighty topic of "World War I, Modernism(s), and Time Binding." The event, which took place on January 27th and 28th of 2023, was held in partnership with the Forum on Contemporary Theory and the distinguished Balvant Parekh Centre for General Semantics and Other Human Sciences, situated in the cultured city of Baroda. As a participant in this august gathering, I had the privilege of presenting my own paper on the subject of "Binding Time in the Era of War and Influenza in 'The Wasteland' and 'The Second Coming"

 Binding the time in the era of war and influenza In The Wasteland and Second Coming


This paper deals with reading of the Post- World War I literature, an epic modernist poem The Wasteland by T.S. Eliot and The Second Coming by W.B. Yeats with Alfred Korzybski's concept of ‘General Semantics’ of which ‘time binding’ is an integral part. The Great War (1914-1918) was a defining moment in European and world history. It also had a profound effect on cultural and literary sensibilities, which emerged a new wave of literature- Modernism. The most influential poems of the 20th century, The Wasteland and the Second Coming are a metaphor for the devastated landscape of post-war Europe. As Korzybski describes the unique quality of humans is what he calls "time-binding - the capacity of an individual or a generation to begin where the former left off". The Wasteland connects different tales and allusions from antiquity and situates them all in the modern era of Europe. Furthermore, in the world's destructive "widening gyre," the Second Coming offers the possibility of rebirth.  Both these poems are proving themselves to be exemplars of a “time binder”. As Elizabeth Outka's 2019 essay "Modern Influenza" posed the dilemma,  ' A death in battle could be seen as courageous, but a death from influenza?'," this work also examines the impact of the "Spanish Flu" in these modernist texts. As Korzybski suggested humans can have 'knowledge about knowledge', and 'knowledge about knowledge about knowledge' and gave a concept of ‘Time Binders’. Yet much of this knowledge skips out of the time-binding mechanism of Literary Historiography. 

Keywords: Time binding, The Wasteland, Second Coming,  Alfred Korzybski, Elizabeth Outka, Pandemic, War.


"The word is not the thing" (Korzybski)

Alfred Habdank Skarbek Korzybski was a Polish-American philosopher and scientist who was the founder of the field of general semantics, which is the study of human evaluation and communication. He spent many years studying the structure of human language and thought and developed a theory that aimed to improve human communication and thinking.

Korzybski believed that traditional ways of thinking and communication were no longer adequate for understanding and navigating the rapidly changing technological and social landscape of the time. He argued that the human ability to use abstract symbols and language had led to a disconnection between humans and reality and that this disconnection was responsible for many of the problems faced by society. He proposed that by understanding and applying the principles of general semantics, individuals could improve their ability to evaluate and communicate information, leading to more effective thinking and problem-solving.

Korzybski wrote several books on the subject, including his most famous work "Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics" which was published in 1933. The book has been considered the foundation stone of general semantics and has been widely read and studied.

Korzybski's theory of General semantics is a system of thought that aims to improve human communication and understanding. The theory of general semantics gained popularity in the 1930s and 1940s, particularly in the United States, where it was embraced by educators, scientists, and artists. Korzybski's ideas were seen as a way to improve thinking and communication in a rapidly changing world, and they continue to be studied and applied in various fields today, such as education, psychology, and communication. Korzybski's theory of General semantics is based on the idea that people's understanding of the world can be improved by becoming more aware of the ways in which language shapes their perceptions.

"The human individual is capable of 'time-binding' and of 'self-reflexiveness'; he is capable of transmitting culture and of self-improvement." (Korzybski)

One of the key concepts of Korzybski's theory is the idea of "time-binding," which refers to the unique ability of human beings to accumulate and transmit knowledge across generations. the concept of "time-binding" was first introduced by Alfred Korzybski in his book "Manhood of Humanity," which was published in 1921 by E. P. Dutton. In this work, Korzybski proposed and explained in detail a new theory of humankind, where mankind is considered a "time-binding" class of life, performing time-binding by transmitting knowledge and abstractions through time which becomes accreted in cultures. Korzybski argued that this ability has played a crucial role in human evolution and civilization, but it also leads to a tendency to reify and hypostatize abstractions, which can lead to confusion and misunderstanding.

According to Korzybski, the capacity for time-binding is what allows humans to learn from the past and build on the knowledge and achievements of previous generations. He believed that by becoming more aware of the ways in which language shapes their perceptions, people can improve their ability to time bind and, in turn, improve their understanding of the world.

Alfred Korzybski's Time-Binding theory is a significant contribution to the field of general semantics, which is a study of human evaluation and communication. This ability, according to Korzybski, separates humans from other animals and has played a crucial role in human evolution and civilization. Korzybski argues that the ability to time-bind has allowed humans to build upon the knowledge and experiences of previous generations, leading to advances in science, technology, and culture. He also asserts that this ability is not innate but rather something that must be developed and nurtured through education and training. He believed that by understanding and applying the principles of general semantics, individuals could improve their ability to evaluate and communicate information, leading to more effective thinking and problem-solving.

However, Korzybski also recognized that this ability to time-bind could be problematic, as humans tend to identify with their abstractions and ignore the differences between them and reality. This leads to a tendency to reify and hypostatize abstractions, which can lead to confusion and misunderstanding. He believed that by developing the ability to evaluate abstractions and their relations to reality, individuals could improve their ability to think critically and make more accurate evaluations.

To sum up, Korzybski's Time-Binding theory is a fundamental concept in general semantics, it highlights the unique ability of human beings to accumulate and transmit knowledge across generations, and emphasizes the importance of education and training in developing this ability. 

The Wasteland and Time Binding

T. S. Eliot wrote a poem known as The Waste Land, which is recognized as one of the most significant poems of the twentieth century and a key piece of modernist poetry. The 434-line poem was initially published in 1922. First appeared in two different countries: the UK ( Eliot's The Criterion- October issue) and the United States ( The Dial- November issue).


The poem has five sections, each exploring themes of sorrow and disappointment through various narrations and philosophical reflections. The first section, "The Burial of the Dead," establishes these themes, the second, "A Game of Chess," delves into them through personal experiences, the fourth, "The Fire Sermon" offers a reflection on death and self-denial with influences from Augustine of Hippo and Eastern faiths. The final section, "What the Thunder Said" concludes with a vision of judgment after the short poetic supplication in "Death by Water."

As Korzybsky stated, "The ability to symbolize, to use and to understand symbols, is the foundation of human civilization" (Korzybski).

The Wasteland is an epic modernist poem that connects different tales and allusions from antiquity and situates them all in the modern era of Europe. Through its allusions, Eliot presents a world that is fragmented and chaotic, a metaphor for the disillusionment and despair that many people felt in the aftermath of the war. Eliot uses the technique of montage, which is a collage of various cultural and literary references, to create a sense of the simultaneity of different historical periods, and to suggest that the past, present, and future are all interconnected. ‘... its self-sufficient juxtaposition without copulae of themes and passages in a dense mosaic’ (Bloom). This concept of simultaneity is a reflection of the idea of time-binding, which suggests that the past and the present are always in a state of flux and that the future is always being shaped by the past. 

The poem binds together different historical periods, cultures, and literary traditions in order to comment on the present. The poem is also a commentary on the present, specifically the post-World War I Europe and its aftermath. By binding together different historical periods and cultures, Eliot creates a sense of historical continuity and interconnectedness that highlights the ways in which the present is shaped by the past. 

The Waste Land makes extensive use of mythological and literary allusions to convey the themes and ideas of the poem.  

The myth of The Fisher King is a symbol of the sterility and decay of modern society.

Unreal City,

Under the brown fog of a winter dawn,

I will show you fear in a handful of dust.

The myth of a Dying God, the god Attis in Phrygian myth, dies and is reborn, symbolizing the cycle of death and rebirth in nature. In the poem, Eliot uses this myth to suggest that traditional values and beliefs have died in the modern world and are in need of rebirth.

What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow

Out of this stony rubbish?

The myth of Tiresias, a Greek myth who appears in the poem, is a blind prophet who has lived both as a man and as a woman. He serves as a metaphor for the way in which people maneuver and manipulate one another in order to achieve their goals.

I Tiresias, though blind, throbbing between two lives,

By binding together different literary traditions and cultures to make a commentary on the present, specifically post-World War I Europe and its aftermath. The poem references various European cultures and historical periods, particularly in the section "The Burial of the Dead." For example, he references the legends of the Fisher King, which is a symbol of the sterility and decay of modern society, and the grail legend, which is associated with the Fisher King and the quest for spiritual and cultural regeneration. 

The poem references Indian culture and mythology in the section ‘What the Thunder Said.’ For example, he references the Upanishads, an ancient Indian text, with the line: "Shantih Shantih Shantih". Also, the poem references the god Shiva, who is associated with the destructive power of the universe, with the line: HURRY UP PLEASE ITS TIME.  

Aa well it references Greek mythology, particularly in the section "The Fire Sermon." For example, he references the figure of Tiresias, who appears in both Greek and Roman mythology, with the line: I Tiresias, though blind, throbbing between two lives. And Egyptian culture and mythology, particularly in the section "The Fire Sermon." For example, he references the Sphinx, an ancient Egyptian symbol of mystery and riddle, with the line: Unshod. How hast thou been, / With the other men?

Furthermore, references Christian culture and theology, particularly in the section "What the Thunder Said." For example, he references the Bible with the line And at my back I always hear / Time's winged chariot hurrying near. And Chinese culture, particularly in the section "A Game of Chess." For example, he references the Chinese poem The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter with the line And I will show you something different from either / Your shadow at morning striding behind you / Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you

In addition, T.S. Eliot in The Wasteland draws on a wide range of literary traditions. Eliot references multiple passages from the Bible throughout the poem. For example, in the section "The Burial of the Dead," he quotes from the Book of Revelation: And at my back I always hear / Time's winged chariot hurrying near. Multiple plays by Shakespeare in the poem, particularly in the section "The Fire Sermon." For example, he references the play "Troilus and Cressida" with the line: Sweet Thames, run softly till I end my song; Othello, referenced in the line I had not thought death had undone so many

Along with this, Eliot references multiple modern literary works in the poem, particularly in the section "The Fire Sermon." For example, he references the poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" with the line: Shall I at least set my lands in order? and eastern texts and ideas in the poem, particularly in the section "What the Thunder Said." For example, he references the Upanishads with the line: "Shantih shantih shantih" (line 425). 

T.S. Eliot combines many historical eras to portray the concepts and ideas of the poem through allusions to various mythologies, literary customs, and cultures. The use of allusions, montage, and commentary on the present, make "The Waste Land" a time-binding poem that connects the past and the present and creates a sense of continuity between different historical periods and cultures.

The Second Coming and Time Binding

"The Second Coming" is a poem written by the Irish poet W.B. Yeats in 1919. The poem reflects on the aftermath of World War I and the collapse of societal order that Yeats saw in the world around him. It explores themes of chaos, destruction, and the cyclical nature of history. 

One of the most prominent images in the poem is the "widening gyre," which is a metaphor for the spiral of history and the way that society is constantly in flux. The "widening gyre" suggests that the world is spiraling out of control and that the past is no longer a guide for the present.

Another important image in the poem is the "falcon" that "cannot hear the falconer." This image is a metaphor for the way that people have become disconnected from their traditions and their past. The falcon represents the individual, who is no longer able to hear the guidance of their practices, represented by the falconer. This image also relates to the idea of the breakdown of order and the emergence of chaos.

The poem also makes use of Christian imagery and allusions, particularly the idea of the "Second Coming" in the title. This refers to the return of Jesus Christ, and it serves as a metaphor for the emergence of a new era or a new order in the world.

Lastly, Yeats alludes to the myth of the sphinx, which is a creature that is part lion, part bird, and part human. The Sphinx is a symbol of mystery and enigma, and its presence in the poem suggests that the world is becoming more challenging to understand and predict.

"The Second Coming" is a poem that uses a variety of myths, allegories, and images to convey its themes of chaos, destruction, and the cyclical nature of history which connects to poem to the present contemporary time. 

Impact of this poetry in the present

According to the debate, both poems effectively capture the chaotic, disillusioned existence of post-World War I Europe. Both employ a range of myths, allegories, and pictures to express their themes of chaos, devastation, and the cyclical nature of history that relate the poem to the current modern era. The allusions to many mythology, literary conventions, and civilizations, blend several historical eras to illustrate the themes and ideas of the poem. The Waste Land and The Second Coming is a time-binding poem that links the past and the present and establishes a feeling of continuity across many historical eras and civilizations via the use of references, montage, and commentary on the current.

Humans are capable of having "knowledge about knowledge," "knowledge about knowledge about knowledge," etc., according to Alfred Korzybski. It promotes human growth in comparison to other worlds, such as the animal world. Though are we? Through their poetry, T. S. Eliot and W. B. Yeats gave us a glimpse of the post-War world, but even now, we can still see that many nations throughout the world are still engaged in conflict for a number of causes, and conflicts are still raging. Recently, the globe was split in two by the most dreadful conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

The Influenza Pandemic

“To die in the war was one thing, but to die in influenza was quite another” (Outka).

The modernist components of The Wasteland and The Second Coming, two modernist poems that are both seen through the lens of war, assist to feed the erasure of the pandemic by instantiating the gaps and silences. “We are trained in modernism to see the trauma of the war but not the trauma of the pandemic” (Outka). In her 2019 book, "Viral modernism: The Influenza Pandemic and Interwar Literature," Elizabeth Outka uncovers the subtly but significantly present viral sorrow inside renowned modernist literature that is not often perceived in light of the pandemic.

The letters from Eliot to his mother, friend Henry, and Charlotte Eliot, which Elizabeth Outka studied and cited from secondary sources, hint at the ongoing presence of influenza during the publication of The Wasteland. The virus struck the couple in December 1918, during the second wave in England. Eliot was extremely weak as a result of the sickness. His maid also developed pneumonia, and Viven, his wife, was ill in the latter stages. In his poem The Wasteland, Eliot made connections between influenza, dryness and the environment, and his nervous collapse. He writes about "a new form of influenza… which leaves extreme dryness and a bitter taste in the mouth" in his "London Letter" published in the Dial in July 1921.

Similarly, W. B. Yeats saw his wife defenseless during the devastating second wave of the epidemic in November 1918. In order to combat the illness, he and his pregnant wife George rented a home in Dublin. There was a pandemic in the city, infecting between 600,000 and 800,000 individuals. Although it was tough for the pregnant woman to survive, George managed to do so. As the violent cataclysm unfolds, Yeats “Yeats brings us into a violent cataclysm as it unfolds, one that telescopes between an internal, bodily apocalypse and the vast societal breakdown wreaked by a pandemic level (Outka)” The "blood-dimmed tide" brought to mind violence that crept into bodies and violently perverted what it discovered for Yeats' readers in 1920.


The Wasteland and The Second Coming are two of the most influential poems of the 20th century. They are a metaphor for the devastated landscape of post-war Europe and serve as powerful examples of time binding. Through their allusions and imagery, they remind us of how the war and the influenza pandemic have shaped the present and continue to shape the future. As Korzybski's concept of ‘General Semantics’ highlights,  “the capacity for accumulating racial experience, enlarging it, and transmitting it for future expansion — is the peculiar power, the characteristic energy, the definitive nature, the defining mark of man” (Korzybsky). Is it true that people are time binders, though? Both of these poems alluded to the situations of war and influenza, which we have lately experienced in our times. Were we able to prevent humanity from learning from the past, as this poetry does?

People have the ability to learn from the past, they have the ability to bind time by connecting with past experiences and using them to better understand the present and shape the future. The reference to war and influenza in these poems is an indication that these events are not isolated incidents but have recurred throughout history. However, it seems that humanity has not fully learned from these past experiences, as evidenced by the fact that these devastating events continue to occur in our present time. This implies that we have not been able to prevent them from happening again, despite the fact that we have the ability to learn from the past. This highlights the importance of truly examining and understanding the lessons of the past in order to create a better future.

Works Cited

Deane, Paul D. “Metaphors of Center and Periphery in Yeats' the Second Coming.” Journal of Pragmatics, vol. 24, no. 6, 1995, pp. 627–642.,

 Deshmukh, Jyotiprakash S. “T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land: A Critical Analysis.” Worldwidejournals, Feb. 2015, 

Bloom, Harold, editor. VIVA MODERN CRITICAL INTERPRETATIONS T.S. Eliot's THE WASTELAND. Vinod Vasishtha for Viva Books Pvt. Ltd., 2008. 

Doris, George. “Korzybski and General Semantics.” Self & Society, vol. 11, no. 3, 1983, pp. 159–166., 

Eliot, T. S. “The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot.” Poetry Foundation, Poetry Foundation, 

“Established by Alfred Korzybski in 1938.” Institute of General Semantics, 

Hasan, Mariwan. “The Explication of Mythology and Ecology in Eliot’s The Waste Land.” Studies in Literature and Language, vol. 19, no. 1, Aug. 2019, pp. 30–36., 

Kodish, Bruce I. Korzybski: A Biography. Extensional Pub., 2011. 

Korzybski, Alfred, and Marjorie Kendig. Collected Writings 1920-1950. Institute of General Samentics, 1990. 

Korzybski, Alfred. General Semantics Seminar 1937: Transcription of Notes from Lectures in General Semantics given at Olivet College. Institute of General Semantics, 2002. 

Korzybski, Alfred. Manhood of Humanity . CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform , 2016. 

Korzybski, Alfred. Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics. Institute of General Semantics, 2005. 

Kundu, Subhashis. “T.S. Eliot’s Blending of Myth and Reality in the Waste Land - IJHSSI.”, Oct. 2018, 

Outka, Elizabeth. Viral Modernism: The Influenza Pandemic and Interwar Literature, Columbia University Press, 2019. 

Weeks, Donald. “Image and Idea in Yeats' the Second Coming.” PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, vol. 63, no. 1, 1948, pp. 281–292., 

Yeats, William Butler. “The Second Coming by William Butler Yeats.” Poetry Foundation, Poetry Foundation,

Tuesday, 17 January 2023

Book Review- Gun Island

Hello! This blog is assigned by Megha Trivedi Ma’am. This blog's goal is to teach how to properly cite sources. It discusses Gun Island by Amitav Ghosh as a book review.

Book review

What is a Book review?

A book review is a critical evaluation of a book. It is a written assessment of the book's content, strengths, and weaknesses. The purpose of a book review is to provide a summary of the book's main points and to give an evaluation of the book's overall quality. A book review can also provide a personal opinion of the book, and whether or not the reviewer would recommend it to others.

Book reviews can be written by professional critics, journalists, or other experts in the field, or by regular readers. They can be published in newspapers, magazines, websites, or on social media platforms. They can be formal or informal and can range in length from a few sentences to several pages. Book reviews are important because they help readers decide whether or not to read a book. They provide information about the book's content, style, and themes, and can give a sense of whether the book is worth reading. They also help authors by providing feedback on their work and by promoting their books to potential readers.

A review of Amitav Ghosh’s Gun Island.
Gun Island is a 2019 novel by Indian author Amitav Ghosh. It is a modern retelling of a Bengali myth. The novel is set in the Sundarbans, a region in the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers in the Indian state of West Bengal and the neighboring country of Bangladesh. Gun Island is a captivating and thought-provoking novel by Amitav Ghosh. The story follows the journey of Dinanath Datta (deen, Dinu), a rare book dealer. The novel is richly detailed and expertly crafted, with vivid descriptions of the places and cultures that Deen encounters. Ghosh expertly weaves together elements of science, myth, and history to create a complex and compelling narrative. The characters are well-developed and relatable, and their journeys are both emotional and enlightening.

One of the novel's strengths is its exploration of the impact of climate change on the world. The novel raises important questions about the role of humans in causing and addressing the issue, and it highlights the urgent need for action. Ghosh does an excellent job of bringing this important issue to the forefront of the story without overwhelming the narrative. One of the weaknesses of the novel is that it takes a while to get into the story, and it can be confusing at times. The story jumps around between different characters and locations, which can make it difficult to follow.

The Novel Gun Island is divided into Two Parts- The Gun Merchant and Venice. The novel begins with The narrator Dinanath’s introduction to the words Bonduki Sadgar when he comes to his domicile place. Through various characters, he gets to know the story of The Gun Merchant and Manasa devi. The whole novel is driven by Deen’s exploration of the Myth. The novel is a sequel to Amitav Ghosh’s The Hungry Tide and it seems as if it is answering Ghosh’s question which he raised in his non-fiction The Great Derangement. Throughout the novel, Deen is forced to confront his own beliefs as he uncovers a series of secrets that have been passed down through generations. Ultimately, the novel is a story of how one man's journey leads him to an understanding of the interconnectedness of all things, and the power of storytelling to shape our understanding of the world.

The narrative primarily addresses climate change and mass migration. But in the background, we read different topics like
  • The Importance of Documentation
  • technology vs Book
  • The etymology of the words/ transformation of language in translation or carrying stories mouth-to-mouth
  • History
  • Power of journalism
  • Human trafficking and organ smuggling
  • Homosexuality
There is a lot of uncanniness in the book. We feel as Amitav Ghosh has pushed the novel along by situations that one could just as easily attribute to “mere chance,” global warming, or the wrathful vengeance of a Goddess scorned.

Lives and events don’t evolve with inevitability but are forced forward, obliged to make a point. An evening walk ends with Cinta and Deen swamped by shipworms, a creature that is proliferating because of warming sea waters and is now eating up Venice’s wooden pilings. A beach visit sees the abnormal appearance of a deadly yellow-bellied sea snake. One might argue that these occurrences are essential in a novel about climate change, but they are arranged like set pieces, stilted and obvious, exposing the novel’s compulsion to bring together as many uncommon natural phenomena as possible.

In one of his interviews, he says that Climate-related 
migration and displacement… change is 
uncanny, and disoriented. So to write about it today is to 
write about uncanny. We don't know what's happening worldwide... 
Uncanny is the heart of the book. In depicting 
a wide range of diverse characters from 
various countries and subtly invoking the myth 
and history, fact and fiction, Ghosh has 
created a work that contrasts nostalgia 
for a lost past with concerns for the contemporaneous.

Amid the freak cyclones and oxygen-starved waters comes the story – or stories – of migration across the ages; tales of escapology, of deprivation and persecution, of impossible yearnings for a new world that bring us, inexorably, to the terrified refugees on the Mediterranean. This is, perhaps, Ghosh’s essential point; a shaggy dog story can take a very roundabout path toward reality, but it will get there in the end. It has to, or we’re all doomed. (Clark in TheGuardian)

Overall, Gun Island is a powerful and thought-provoking novel that will appeal to readers who enjoy literary fiction with a strong sense of place and culture. Ghosh's writing is masterful and the story is both enlightening and emotionally engaging. I would highly recommend this book to readers who are looking for a novel that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. In a way, it is a complex novel and It is very difficult to tell a straight story. Every character in the novel has its own story which brings newness to the tale. It gives us a way of looking at myths, Insight into climate change and migration not only of humans but also of the animal world.

These are some phrases from the book that I enjoyed and represent my personal learning outcome. It also gives a beautiful insight into life.
  • ‘Don’t set yourself up to fail, yet again.’
  • ‘Do you think that people elsewhere don’t believe in such things?’
  • ‘People think that knowing the future can help you prepare for what is to come – but often it only makes you powerless’
  • ‘It’s always a mistake, to do the easy thing, just out of habit.’
  • ‘Impossible is nothing’ – ‘Just do it!’
  • ‘Time itself is in ecstasy.’

Works Cited

Amitav Ghosh: Gun Island. Chicago Humanities Festival, 2020, Accessed 10 1 2020.

Amitav Ghosh on "Gun Island" | 2019 National Book Festival. PBS Books, 2020, Accessed 10 1 2023.

Amitav Ghosh - Reading and Conversation on Gun Island. Institute of the Humanities and Global Cultures, 2019, Accessed 6 January 2023.

Barad, Dilip. “Gun Island (Sem 4-2022).” YouTube, 19 February 2022, Accessed 6 January 2023.

Battaglia, Ian J. “On Gun Island by Amitav Ghosh - The Kenyon Review.” Kenyon Review, 2019, Accessed 6 January 2023.

Clark, Alex. “Gun Island by Amitav Ghosh review – climate and culture in crisis.” The Guardian, 5 June 2019, Accessed 6 January 2023.

Ghosh, Amitav. Amitav Ghosh : Home, Accessed 10 January 2023.

Iyengar, Vidya. “B’luru artist illustrates Amitav Ghosh’s latest novel.” The New Indian Express, 24 June 2019, Accessed 8 January 2023.

Joshi, Rita. “Gun Island by Amitav Ghosh.” World Literature Today, 2019, Accessed 6 January 2023.

Here is a poem Generated by ChatGPT on Amitav Ghosh’s 2019 novel Gun Island.

Gun Island, a novel by Amitav Ghosh
Takes us on a journey, a tale to tell
Of myths and legends, of Deen's quest
To unravel the secrets, to put them to rest

Through Venice's canals and Bengal's storms
We follow Deen, as he transforms
From a rare book dealer to a seeker of truth
Uncovering the past, to face the youth

The Gun Merchant, a figure of lore
Deen's quest leads him to explore
The history of guns and their role
In shaping our world, a story to unfold

Climate change, a theme so real
Ghosh brings it to light, making us feel
The urgency of the issue, the impact on our land
A call to action, to take a stand

The characters, rich and diverse
Their journeys, emotional and diverse
A tapestry of cultures, a feast for the mind
Gun Island, a novel of a different kind

A thought-provoking read, with a pace that's slow
But the writing, masterful, the story, a flow
Gun Island, a novel to treasure
A journey worth taking, a literary pleasure.

[Words- 1540

Monday, 16 January 2023

Ministry of Utmost Happiness- Arundhati Roy [2]

Hello! This blog is assigned by Dr. Dilip barad sir. It deals with Arundhati Roy’s second novel ‘The Ministry of Utmost Happiness’. As a task, we are assigned three questions and from them, this blog deals with Characters, Narrative plot, and facts and fiction from the novel.

Arundhati Roy

Points to ponder while writing a blog -
1) Read The Reader’s Digest Book of English Grammar and Comprehension for Very Young Children By S. Tilottama - Give answers to the questions asked regarding any three stories. Questions are given at the end of each story.
3) Write about any one theme or character of the novel with the help of Chat OpenAI GPT. Ask to Chat GPT and put screenshots as well as copy-paste the answer generated by this response generator.

-In brief About Arundhati Roy and The Novel:

Arundhati Roy is an Indian author and political activist, best known for her debut novel "The God of Small Things" which won the 1997 Man Booker Prize. Roy is also a vocal critic of Indian government policies and has been actively involved in various social and political issues in India, including human rights, nuclear weapons, and the treatment of marginalized communities. She also has been involved in environmental issues and anti-development movements. Roy's writing often addresses the complexities of Indian politics, history, and society, and she is considered one of the most significant voices in Indian literature. She is known for her powerful, evocative writing style and her ability to bring attention to important social and political issues.

The novel "The Ministry of Utmost Happiness" by Arundhati Roy is a work of fiction. The novel is set in India and touches on themes and issues that have affected the country in the past and present, such as political corruption, the caste system, and the ongoing conflict in Kashmir. Additionally, it covers the human rights and social issues of marginalized communities such as transgenders, hijras, and lower castes.

-Read - The Reader’s Digest Book of English Grammar and Comprehension for Very Young Children By S. Tilottama - Give answers to the questions asked regarding any three stories. Questions are given at the end of each story.


Kashmir Guideline News Service Dozens of Cattle Cross Line of Control (LoC) in Rajouri At least 33 cattle including 29 buffaloes have crossed over to Pakistan side in Nowshera sector of Rajouri district in Jammu and Kashmir. According to KGNS, the cattle crossed the LoC in Kalsian sub-sector. ‘The cattle which belong to Ram Saroop, Ashok Kumar, Charan Das, Ved Prakash and others were grazing near LoC when they crossed over to other side,’ locals told KGNS.

Tick the Box: Q 1: Why did the cattle cross the LoC?
(a) For training (b) For sneak-in ops (c) Neither of the above.
Answer: Neither of the Above

Mehmood was a tailor in Budgam. His greatest desire was to have himself photographed posing with guns. Finally a school friend of his who had joined a militant group took him to their hideout and made his dream come true. Mehmood returned to Srinagar with the negatives and took them to Taj Photo Studio to have prints made. He negotiated a 25-paisa discount for each print. When he went to pick up his prints the Border Security Force laid a cordon around Taj Photo Studio and caught him red-handed with the prints. He was taken to a camp and tortured for many days. He did not give away any information. He was sentenced to ten years in jail.

The militant commander who facilitated the photography session was arrested a few months later. Two AK-47s and several rounds of ammunition were recovered from him. He was released after two months.

Q 1: Was it worth it?
Answer: No it was not worth it. Mehmood, a tailor might have defended himself by telling the truth but as the BSF troop caught him with the accusation of being a terrorist his truth was not considered truth. And on the other side militant who might be the real culprit was released in two months and innocent Mehmmod was imprisoned for ten years.

The boy had always wanted to make something of himself. He invited four militants for dinner and slipped sleeping pills into their food. Once they had fallen asleep he called the army. They killed the militants and burned down the house. The army had promised the boy two canals of land and one hundred and fifty thousand rupees. They gave him only fifty thousand and accommodated him in quarters just outside an army camp. They told him that if he wanted a permanent job with them instead of being just a daily wage worker he would have to get them two foreign militants. He managed to get them one ‘live’ Pakistani but was having trouble finding another. ‘Unfortunately these days business is bad,’ he told PI. ‘Things have become such that you cannot any longer just kill someone and pretend he’s a foreign militant. So my job cannot be made permanent.’
PI asked him, if there was a referendum whom he would vote for, India or Pakistan?
‘Pakistan of course.’ ‘Why?’
‘Because it is our Mulk (country). But Pakistan militants can’t help us in this way. If I can kill them and get a good job it helps me.’
He told PI that when Kashmir became a part of Pakistan, he (PI) would not be able to survive in it. But he (the boy) would. But that, he said, was just a theoretical matter. Because he would be killed shortly.

Q 1: Who did the boy expect to be killed by?
(a) The army (b) Militants (c) Pakistanis (d) Owners of the house that was burned.
Answer: The army

-Write about any one theme or character of the novel with the help of Chat OpenAI GPT. Ask to Chat GPT and put screenshots as well as copy-paste the answer generated by this response generator.

Write about Dr. Aad Bharti from the ministry of utmost happiness.

Dr. Aad Bharti is a fictional character from the novel "The Ministry of Utmost Happiness" by Arundhati Roy. The novel is set in modern-day India and tells the story of a diverse group of characters, each of whom is trying to find their place in the world. Dr. Bharti is a transgender woman who runs an orphanage for children born with intersex traits. She is a compassionate and dedicated individual who fights for the rights and acceptance of the marginalized community she belongs to. She is an important character in the novel, who plays a crucial role in bringing together the lives and stories of the other characters.

Write about Dr. Azad Bharti from the ministry of utmost happiness

Dr. Azad Bharti is a fictional character from the novel "The Ministry of Utmost Happiness" by Arundhati Roy. He is a doctor and a political activist who becomes involved in the struggle for the rights of marginalized communities in India. He is the lover of Dr. Aad Bharti, who is a transgender woman and runs an orphanage for children born with intersex traits. Dr. Azad Bharti is described as a dedicated and charismatic individual who is deeply committed to the cause of justice and equality. He is also portrayed as someone who is deeply troubled by the atrocities and injustices he witnesses in society. He is an important character in the novel as his story and journey intersect with the other characters, and plays a crucial role in the narrative.

Who is Dr. Azad Bharti in The Ministry of Utmost Happiness

Dr. Azad Bharti is a fictional character in the novel "The Ministry of Utmost Happiness" by Indian author Arundhati Roy. The novel is set in contemporary India and tells the story of a diverse group of characters whose lives intersect in unexpected ways. Dr. Azad Bharti is a character in the novel who is described as a doctor who works at a hospital in New Delhi. Beyond that, I am not able to give more information as the novel is large and complex and the character Dr. Azad Bharti's role and background is not specified.

In Gpt Chat I decided to ask about the character of Dr. Azad Bharti. In the novel, he is playing an important role in connecting all the characters and there is one whole chapter based on him. He is the one who is protesting at Jantar Mantar for 11 years with various arguments.

At first, when I asked about his character I got a spelling mistake yet ChatGPT gave some self-prepared answers which are completely away from the novel. In the same chat, I asked the same question with the correct spelling yet it didn't give a correct answer.

In the new chat, I asked the question but still, it couldn't answer me precisely. Perhaps the reason behind it is the Novel is recently published and chatGPT is not having enough data about it.

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