Thursday, 12 January 2023

Class Presentation/ Learning Outcome - Gun Island by Amitav Ghosh

Amitav Ghosh

As a group assignment for a classroom presentation, we (Emisha Ravani, Divya Parmar, Himanshi Parmar, Dhruvita Dhameliya, and myself) discussed Gun Island (2019), a book by Amitav Ghosh. The novel is a modern retelling of a Bengali myth about Manasa Devi and The Gun Merchant that focuses mostly on mass migration and climate change. I finished reading the entire thing, and it was a very fantastic experience. This presentation deals with Amitav Ghosh's Cli-fi novel Gun Island. It was a group presentation presented in M.A. sem 4 in the Department of English, MKBU. It deals with crucial facts, about the text and author, characters, plot overview, themes, and Articles related to the novel.

Here is our video recording

Here is our presentation 

Here are a few lines from the novel that I found to be insightful and provided me a deeper understanding of life (learning outcome from the novel).

‘Don’t set yourself up to fail, yet again.’
‘Do you think that people elsewhere don’t believe in such things?’
‘People think that knowing the future can help you prepare for what is to come – but often it only makes you powerless’
‘It’s always a mistake, to do the easy thing, just out of habit.’
‘Impossible is nothing’ – ‘Just do it!’
‘Time itself is in ecstasy.’

I hope this is useful. Thank you.

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