Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Welcome Function 2022


Our decoration had a combination of technology and literary books because The Department of English MKBU wonderfully combines Literature and technology. Technology is a vehicle which helps us to achieve our literary knowledge/ Literary sensibility and as we know digitalization of education is very much necessary and is important for future teacher teachers to be familiar to it. 

on 24 July 2022, Sunday we students of semester 3 (Batch 2021-23) organized a welcome function for the newly enrolled students of semester 1 (Batch 2022-24). As per the Department’s tradition, all the leaders of various committees introduced their respective committees to the juniors and tried to introduce the work culture of The Department of English.  

This function was hosted by Dhruvita Dhameliya and me. 

Students of Semester 1 also enthusiastically participated in this function Drashti Joshi performed a wonderful dance of Nagada Song, Akshat Banerjee Presented a song in a tribute to great singer KK and a lovely Guajarati folk song was sang by Prabhat Gohil. My classmate Himanshi Parmar engaged our juniors in wonderful spinner wheel game. It was great that we were able to modify the chit game into spinner wheel. And there was a wonderful group dance by semester 3 students in connection to the theme of existentialism. 

All The leaders wonderfully presented there committees to the Juniors. Presentation of The Committees are embedded below.

Lastly, the function ended with the golden words by our faculties
Kavisha Alagiya ma’am gave us her example of error as a student and taught us to learn from mistakes ‘trial and error’ is a key to success and to always stay curious. 
Yesha Bhatt ma'am guided us to be real, be enthusiastic and to gain courage to face stage fear. 
Vaidehi Hariyani  ma’am gave us a wonderful idea to always be a green fruit (kachcha fal) because once a fruit ripe it loses all its capacity to handle pressure and to grow more and to be open to grasp and learn new things.

In the concluding words by Dilip Barad sir, sir gave us insight into the teaching profession after masters degree. He discussed the objectives of the Department's work culture to increase literary sensibility, to observe the world through literature; making students ready with digital skills to make them ready for the future work culture. Teaching is the mother of all professions, talent is necessary to be a teacher. Be a multitasker. After being a teacher, the most important thing is to groom students.

Here is the recording of our function

1 comment:

  1. Systematic and decorative presentation of your blog upon our welcome function. Motivating move for juniors like us. 👍


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