Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Daily Assembly- Exploring Bogger- ICT

Exploring Blogger

Hello! I presented this presentation in Daily assembly for introducing blogger to our juniors (sem 1 Department of English , MKBU) as we are assigned a our thinking activities in form of Blog.

This presentation teaches to create a account on a blogger and introducing layout and themes and various aspects of bogger to make your blogs look attractive for readers.

A blog is a a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
In 1994, when blogs began, a blog was more of a personal diary that people shared online. In this online journal, you could talk about your daily life or share about things that you were doing. Then, people saw an opportunity to communicate information in a new way online. Thus began the beautiful world of blogging.
the main purpose of a blog is to connect you to the relevant audience. Another one is to boost your traffic and send quality leads to your website.

Keep exploring.


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