Sunday, 9 December 2012


1. Ocean:        An ocean is large water mass covering maximum area of water surface on the earth.

2. Sea:
   A small water mass separated from ocean is called sea.

3. Bay:
   When the water of ocean is separated and is surrounded by nearby land mass, it is called a bay.

   A small, tapering water mass formed by the ocean massater, upto the coast is called a gulf.

5. Strait:
    A long, narrow belt of ocean water connecting tow large water masses is called strait.

6. River:
    A river is a natural flow of freshwater from the slopes of higher areas towards lower areas.

7.  Lake:
     A water mass accumulated in a lower (depression) area on the surface of the earth is called lake.

8. Wells:
    Wells are there where there is abundant water in the interior of the earth.

9. Artesian wells:
   Artesian wells are there where the base of the water is deep.

10. Ground water:
      Rain water is accumulated in the pervious rocks through joints, holes, fissures, or cracks in the rock strata, below the surface of earth. This water is called ground water.

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