Sunday, 2 December 2012


You're almost done putting together pieces of your perfect life, but there's one major part left: YOU. Taking care of your friends and family is important - but it's just as important to take care of yourself. So . . . who are you ? What do you want out of life? What do you love, what do you hate? When it comes to building your life, figuring out who you are and who you want to be is the most important thing of all. That means asking yourself the right question --- and deciding that, no matter what, you're going to be true yourself.

Being true to yourself is no easy task. And that struggle is part of the journey to discovering your truth and claiming it as your own. Shakti Gawain said that, “Every time you don’t follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness.”And it goes even deeper than this.If you ignore your truth for too long, it begins to really effect you on a physical level.A lot of people think being true to yourself is a negative thing. That you’re being selfish. Self-centered even. These thoughts are just way off the mark.

True To Yourself In 3 Simple Steps 

You Are Unique – Accept
  1. There’s never going to be another you. Ever. You are unique. A snowflake of sorts. Start to embrace that fact. Accept yourself, quirks and all. We’re all walking contradictions in some shape and form. I like Buddhism and UFC. It is what it is. I don’t fight it. And the more that I embrace myself the better my life becomes.

  1. You Are Unique – Discover
  1. People throughout the ages, including Malcolm X have said, “You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.” So what are your truths? What do you believe in? What are YOUR opinions? What have you learned from your own experiences? What kind of experience have you created for yourself? What do you want to create now?

  1. You Are Unique – Share
Do you like to sew? Write? Sing? Start to share that with the world. Embrace the fact that maybe your friends and family would rather watch the Hills than listen to your latest poem. Then go out and find some poets and poetry lovers to share your passion with.

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