The period from 1920 to 1947 had been described as the Gandhian Era in Indian Politics. During the period, Gandhi spoke the final word on behalf of the Indian National Congress in negotiating with the British Government for constitutional reforms, and for chalking out a programme for the national movement.Mahatma Gandhi led the national freedom struggle against the British rule. The most unique thing about this struggle was that it was completely nonviolent.Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2nd October, 1869 at Porbandar in Gujarat. After finishing his early education in India, he sailed to England in 1891 and qualified as Barrister. In 1894, Gandhi went to South Africa in connection with a law suit.The political career of Gandhi started in South Africa where he launched a Civil Disobedience Movement against the maltreatment meted out to Asian settlers. In 1916, he returned to India and took up the leadership of National Freedom Struggle.After the death of freedom fighter and congress leader Bal Gangadhar Tilak on August, 1920, Gandhi became virtually the sole navigator of the ship of the congress. Gandhi had whole heartedly supported the British during the 1st World War (1914-1919). The end of war, however, did not bring the promised freedom for India. So Gandhiji launched many movements to force the British to concede India its Independence. The well known being: Non Co-operation Movement (1920), Civil Disobedience Movement (1930) and Quit India Movement (1942).The British passed the Rowlett Act in 1919 to deal with the revolutionaries. Gandhi made the Rowlett Act an issue and appealed to the people to observe peaceful demonstration on April 6, 1919. Gandhi's call for peaceful demonstration met with tremendous response. It led to mass demonstrations in Punjab and Delhi. The Jallianwala Massacre (1919) was a sequel of this agitation. The Indian people were shocked by the way the British conducted themselves. Gandhi them launched a non-co operation in 1920 against the British rule. On 12th March 1930, Gandhi started his Civil Disobedience with his famous 'Dandi March' to break the salt laws. Many leaders and persons courted arrest. Then followed the Gandhi-Irwin Pact for the participation of the congress in the Second Round Table Conference in 1931. On March 1942, Sir Stafford Cripps came to India with his proposals which were rejected by all political parties. The failure of the Cripps Mission led to unprecedented disturbances. Disillusioned and disappointed, the congress passed at Bombay the Quit India Resolution (August 8, 1942). The British were asked to leave India forthwith. The moving spirit behind the resolution was Gandhiji. The Quit India Movement was the greatest challenge to the British empire.Gandhi was a great leader, a saint and a great social reformer. He was pious, truthful and religious. He believed in simple living and high thinking. Every body who came in contact with him were so deeply influenced by his personality. He was a Champion of democracy and was deadly opposed to dictatorial rule. Gandhi showed India and the World the path of truth and non-violence. He believed that it was truth alone that prevailed in the end. Gandhi believed that real India lived in more than five lakhs villages uplift. According to him India's real emancipation depended on Swadeshi i.e. boycott of foreign goods, use of khadi encouragement to village and cottage industries.Gandhi began to work day and night for the freedom of his country. He and his brave followers went to jail again and again, and suffered terrible hardships. Thousands of them were starved, beaten, ill treated and killed, but they remained true to their master. At last his noble efforts bore fruit and on August 15,1947, India became free and independent. Gandhi defeated the mighty British empire not with swords or guns , but by means of strange and utterly new weapons of truth and Ahimsa. He worked all through his life for Hindu- Muslim Unity and the abolition of untouchability. Gandhi worked hard for the upliftment of the Harijans, the name given by him to the untouchables. Gandhi declared untouchability a sin against God and Man.Gandhi wrote his famous autobiography under the title 'My Experiments with Truth'. Gandhi always stood for communal harmony, but he himself was shot dead by a religious fanatic Nathuram Godse on 30th January, 1948. The whole World mourned his death.Concluding Remarks: Some one had quipped: "If they had not thrown Gandhi out of the train in South Africa, the English would not have too much trouble from him." Gandhi, the young Attorney, vowed to oppose such unfair treatment- through non-co operation and other nonviolent means.Gandhi's ultimate search was for righteous conduct. The means are more important than the end, he maintained; with the right means, desired ends will follow. In time, he was proven right- almost always. His struggles and actions were but external manifestations of his struggle to evolve his own value system. Mahatma Gandhi better known as the father of Nation because it was he who got freedom for us. He was the maker of Modern India.Mahatma Gandhi led the national freedom struggle against the British rule. The most unique thing about this struggle was that it was completely nonviolent.Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2nd October, 1869 at Porbandar in Gujarat. After finishing his early education in India, he sailed to England in 1891 and qualified as Barrister. In 1894, Gandhi went to South Africa in connection with a law suit.The political career of Gandhi started in South Africa where he launched a Civil Disobedience Movement against the maltreatment meted out to Asian settlers. In 1916, he returned to India and took up the leadership of National Freedom Struggle.After the death of freedom fighter and congress leader Bal Gangadhar Tilak on August, 1920, Gandhi became virtually the sole navigator of the ship of the congress. Gandhi had whole heartedly supported the British during the 1st World War (1914-1919). The end of war, however, did not bring the promised freedom for India. So Gandhiji launched many movements to force the British to concede India its Independence. The well known being: Non Co-operation Movement (1920), Civil Disobedience Movement (1930) and Quit India Movement (1942).The British passed the Rowlett Act in 1919 to deal with the revolutionaries. Gandhi made the Rowlett Act an issue and appealed to the people to observe peaceful demonstration on April 6, 1919. Gandhi's call for peaceful demonstration met with tremendous response. It led to mass demonstrations in Punjab and Delhi. The Jallianwala Massacre (1919) was a sequel of this agitation. The Indian people were shocked by the way the British conducted themselves. Gandhi them launched a non-co operation in 1920 against the British rule. On 12th March 1930, Gandhi started his Civil Disobedience with his famous 'Dandi March' to break the salt laws. Many leaders and persons courted arrest. Then followed the Gandhi-Irwin Pact for the participation of the congress in the Second Round Table Conference in 1931. On March 1942, Sir Stafford Cripps came to India with his proposals which were rejected by all political parties. The failure of the Cripps Mission led to unprecedented disturbances. Disillusioned and disappointed, the congress passed at Bombay the Quit India Resolution (August 8, 1942). The British were asked to leave India forthwith. The moving spirit behind the resolution was Gandhiji. The Quit India Movement was the greatest challenge to the British empire.Gandhi was a great leader, a saint and a great social reformer. He was pious, truthful and religious. He believed in simple living and high thinking. Every body who came in contact with him were so deeply influenced by his personality. He was a Champion of democracy and was deadly opposed to dictatorial rule. Gandhi showed India and the World the path of truth and non-violence. He believed that it was truth alone that prevailed in the end. Gandhi believed that real India lived in more than five lakhs villages uplift. According to him India's real emancipation depended on Swadeshi i.e. boycott of foreign goods, use of khadi encouragement to village and cottage industries.Gandhi began to work day and night for the freedom of his country. He and his brave followers went to jail again and again, and suffered terrible hardships. Thousands of them were starved, beaten, ill treated and killed, but they remained true to their master. At last his noble efforts bore fruit and on August 15,1947, India became free and independent. Gandhi defeated the mighty British empire not with swords or guns , but by means of strange and utterly new weapons of truth and Ahimsa. He worked all through his life for Hindu- Muslim Unity and the abolition of untouchability. Gandhi worked hard for the upliftment of the Harijans, the name given by him to the untouchables. Gandhi declared untouchability a sin against God and Man.Gandhi wrote his famous autobiography under the title 'My Experiments with Truth'. Gandhi always stood for communal harmony, but he himself was shot dead by a religious fanatic Nathuram Godse on 30th January, 1948. The whole World mourned his death.Concluding Remarks: Some one had quipped: "If they had not thrown Gandhi out of the train in South Africa, the English would not have too much trouble from him." Gandhi, the young Attorney, vowed to oppose such unfair treatment- through non-co operation and other nonviolent means.Gandhi's ultimate search was for righteous conduct. The means are more important than the end, he maintained; with the right means, desired ends will follow. In time, he was proven right- almost always. His struggles and actions were but external manifestations of his struggle to evolve his own value system. Mahatma Gandhi better known as the father of Nation because it was he who got freedom for us. He was the maker of Modern India.
Monday, 17 December 2012
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Does Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun?
It is normally believed that the movement of the earth around the sun is called Revolution. Due to the revolution of the earth, just like a year, seasons also takes place. Besides revolution, the bent of the axis of the earth also plays an important role in the occurring of seasons.
This fact is believed to be the universal truth. But now, the new scientific revelation (conspiracy theory) tries to prove that this is not a complete truth. They base their argument on the fact that - The Sun is not static in the universe but it travels. It travels at an estimated speed of about 225 km per second.
The speaker in the following video speaks about different movement to make it a point that all the planets swim in the universe along with the Sun like shoal of fish in the ocean.
Please give your comments on this.
Sunday, 9 December 2012
1. Ocean: An ocean is large water mass covering maximum area of water surface on the earth.
2. Sea:
A small water mass separated from ocean is called sea.
3. Bay:
When the water of ocean is separated and is surrounded by nearby land mass, it is called a bay.
A small, tapering water mass formed by the ocean massater, upto the coast is called a gulf.
5. Strait:
A long, narrow belt of ocean water connecting tow large water masses is called strait.
6. River:
A river is a natural flow of freshwater from the slopes of higher areas towards lower areas.
7. Lake:
A water mass accumulated in a lower (depression) area on the surface of the earth is called lake.
8. Wells:
Wells are there where there is abundant water in the interior of the earth.
9. Artesian wells:
Artesian wells are there where the base of the water is deep.
10. Ground water:
Rain water is accumulated in the pervious rocks through joints, holes, fissures, or cracks in the rock strata, below the surface of earth. This water is called ground water.
Sunday, 2 December 2012
You're almost done putting together pieces of your perfect life, but there's one major part left: YOU. Taking care of your friends and family is important - but it's just as important to take care of yourself. So . . . who are you ? What do you want out of life? What do you love, what do you hate? When it comes to building your life, figuring out who you are and who you want to be is the most important thing of all. That means asking yourself the right question --- and deciding that, no matter what, you're going to be true yourself.
Being true to yourself is no easy task. And that struggle is part of the journey to discovering your truth and claiming it as your own. Shakti Gawain said that, “Every time you don’t follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness.”And it goes even deeper than this.If you ignore your truth for too long, it begins to really effect you on a physical level.A lot of people think being true to yourself is a negative thing. That you’re being selfish. Self-centered even. These thoughts are just way off the mark.
True To Yourself In 3 Simple Steps
You Are Unique – Accept
- There’s never going to be another you. Ever. You are unique. A snowflake of sorts. Start to embrace that fact. Accept yourself, quirks and all. We’re all walking contradictions in some shape and form. I like Buddhism and UFC. It is what it is. I don’t fight it. And the more that I embrace myself the better my life becomes.
- You Are Unique – Discover
- People throughout the ages, including Malcolm X have said, “You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.” So what are your truths? What do you believe in? What are YOUR opinions? What have you learned from your own experiences? What kind of experience have you created for yourself? What do you want to create now?
- You Are Unique – Share
Do you like to sew? Write? Sing? Start to share that with the world. Embrace the fact that maybe your friends and family would rather watch the Hills than listen to your latest poem. Then go out and find some poets and poetry lovers to share your passion with.
Saturday, 1 December 2012
- What actually is humanity? Where to start? What to mention ?
- humanity means to be human, to have consideration and concern for others, not being selfish.
- Why isn't there more concern and compassion for people dying of hunger unnecessarily?
- Why isn't there more concern and compassion for people dying from wars unnecessarily?
- Why isn't there more concern and compassion for people who are unnecessarily homeless?
- This could go on and on.
- If humanity is really one consciousness then people would be more empathetic to strangers and even enemies. People would naturally realize that hurting another is hurting yourself and everyone with any awareness at all would know that you should treat others the way you want to be treated.
- Humanity can also talk about the qualities of a person that makes them human.
- Humanity is a religion.
- Human beings should not believe in Hinduism or christianity or islam. Their first religion should be ‘humanity’. Considering ‘humanity’ as religion, is to consider humans as God. The motto of this religion should be ‘Manav Seva ej Prabhu Seva’.
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