Sunday, 5 March 2023

Research Paper: An Adaptation Study: Aravind Adiga's The White Tiger from Novel to Screen

An Adaptation Study: Aravind Adiga's
The White Tiger from Novel to Screen
(National Seminar)

The Department of English at MKBU recently organized a National Seminar on ‘The Research Prospects in English Studies’. The Seminar commenced with a keynote address by Avishek Parui from IIT Madras, who set the tone for the day's proceedings. Two plenary sessions followed, which were conducted by Dr. Atanu Bhattacharya from CUG-Gandhinagar and Dr. Balaji Ranganathan from CUG-Gandhinagar, which shed light on ‘Research prospects in English Studies: The Technology Turn’ and ‘Problems of Postcolonial Studies in Chinese Literature’, respectively.

As a participant in this Seminar, I had the opportunity to present my research paper on ‘Adaptation Study: Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger from Novel to Text’ in the presence of Chairperson Dr. M.B. Gaijan and Dr. Bhavesh Parmar. 

Here is my presentation

Here is a Video recording of the Presentation

Moreover, since the Seminar was organized by our Department, I also worked as a member of the #ICT_Team. Along with my teammate Emisha Ravani, I managed and conducted the online parallel session, which was planned for presenters from outside of Gujarat, using #Streamyard, which was streamed live. Together, we operated two devices - a laptop and a digital board - to ensure a seamless session. Although it was a challenging task, we successfully managed to handle everything throughout the session. This Seminar provided us with an opportunity to not only enhance our research and presentation skills but also improve our management, ICT, and organizational skills. We learned not only what to do but also what not to do.

Thank you for visiting. I hope it will be useful.

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