Friday, 3 June 2022

Relevance of ‘The Plague’ in contemporary Covid-19 crisis- Paper Presentation

 Relevance of ‘The Plague’ in Contemporary Covid-19 crisis

English Dept. of MK Bhavnagar university organised two days webinar in this lock-down period.The topic of webinar was 'Literature and epidemic'. This webinar gave a great chance to hear the views of expert speakers and to grow our thoughts and ideas on this particular topic. Some topics were so unique that we would have never thought about it. I presented a paper for the first time, My topic for this presentation was 'Relevance of 'The Plague' in contemporary covid-19 crisis'. I took reference from the novel 'The Plague' written by Albert Camus which was about the plague condition in Oran in 1940. It is awful that literature has already suggested epidemics and steps to prevent it but yet human beings fail to learn historical lesson from the historicity of the literature. This Seminar was broadcasted live of Prof. Dr. Dilip Barad's Facebook page and you tube Channel. 

This is my Presentation I presented in the seminar

This is video recording of my presentation.

Thank you for visiting I hope my this presentation and video recording are useful to you.

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