Monday, 7 March 2022

W.H. Auden's Poems

Hello readers, This blog is assigned by Dr. Dilip Barad sir. In this blog I am dealing with selected poems of W. H. Auden and its contemporaneity.

Contemporaneity in Auden's Poems

W.H. Auden

Wystan Hugh Auden was a British- American poet. His life span is 21 February 1907 – 29 September 1973. His poetry is noted for his stylistic and technical achievement, its engagement with politics, moral, love, and religion. Auden is considered to have the most common critical view of the 1930s. He applied a style of spontaneity to express his views. He had a remarkable grip on contemporary currents of thought in political theory, science and psychology which we can see in his poetry which supports him to be called as modernist poet/ modern thinker. Joseph Brodsky wrote that Auden had "the greatest mind of the twentieth century".

In this blog with reference to Auden's three poems which are 'Epitaph on a Tyrant', 'In Memory of W. B. Yeats' and 'Sept, 1 1939' I am going to answer the assigned question. These answers are my personal understanding and interpretations.

Auden's poems seem to be written in our times for 2022. Justify this in context of pandemic and Russia-Ukraine war.

It is a small poem of 6 lines by Auden but a powerful masterpiece which is found relevant today also. We are witnessing the Ukraine- Russia war at present which makes it massively easier to read this poem today.

Epitaph on a Tyrant describes nature, characteristics of a ‘dictator’. How can we read it?

‘He knew…’ He justifies that a poem is talking about an unidentified man. Along with the poem was published in 1939 when the Second world war began and according to Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Edward Mendelson wrote about Auden, He visited Berlin in the 1930s which hints his introduction to Adolf Hitler (Dictator). Many critics feel that the poem is about Hitler but we don't find any specific references of him or his name but we realise this poem to be applicable to all dictators, it talks about the traits of Dictators and points out that every dictator shares same nature it is better that one reads it beforehand which would safeguard them from dictatorship.

As it is discussed, Auden’s poems are relevant in every period. Do we find any politicians with the same traits? Yes. With reference to the Ukraine- Russia war which again is read as the beginning of the third World war. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia since 2012.

‘Perfectionist, of his kind’ a one trying to make his region a perfection the name of religion, language, culture etc. for example today in India more preference on Hinduism, which increases hatefulness to other religions specially to Muslims. Similarly Putin in Russia supported more to Orthodox Christianity neglecting to Protestant Church. You can read about it HERE.

‘In July 2016, Putin signed a new "anti-extremism" law that, among other things, limits the sharing of religious beliefs to state-registered places of worship only. Critics say this law is in violation of Russia's constitution, in that it effectively outlaws minority "foreign" religions (such as Protestant Christianity, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Hare Krishna) whose churches and temples are rarely approved to be registered with the state.’

‘Poetry he invented’, ‘knew human folly’ dictators know the psychology of humans, they know to play with ‘emotionally susceptible’ society’s psyche. People easily sink with ideas of nationality, mother land, religion and together weeping a little adds emotional touch and society gets attracted with sympathy. Jesus loved children and loving children shows the kind and compassionate nature of humans. These are also the traits used by dictators/ politicians to bind with the state.

“interested in armies and fleets;” “”senators burst with laughter;” which the following images justify clearly. Interested in armies also suggests interest in war and show-off of power. ‘Burst’ suggested the forced laugh, his senators seemed to be laughing at nonsense jokes just showing their sycophancy. :”he cried the little children died in the streets'' cried which I interpret to be shouting, motivate people for war and ‘little children’ interpreting as innocent people; whenever he cries for was innocent people died irrespective to their any fault just to satisfy Dictators ego.

The poem shows the various traits of oppressive rulers, who just work to satisfy their self ego, their ‘gimmicks’, carelessness, late for decision making leads various deaths and fall of the country. We read all this with reference to war but all these gimmicks of rulers were seen similarly in Corona Pandemic also. Lot of innocent people died because of late decisions, lack of healthcare, not providing basic care to people and in show- off that our country is not affected, on one died etc.

Traits of Dictator is also discussed majorly by Chaplin in his movie ‘The Great Dictator’ which we can easily connect in this poem and above photographs. Visit by blog on its Frame study to relate traits of dictators.

This poem is dedicated to W.B Yeats, it is a modern elegy using modern metaphors like airport, mercury, fashionable quays, bourse. It's not only about the death of the poet but also questions the role of poets and poetry in society. There are various associations of this poem in today's world. It was published in 1939 but relevant over some views even today.

“But in the importance…..slightly unusual.” These last lines of the first part suggest that the world will go on very less people will feel absence or unusuality on the poet’s death. We never find any national holidays on the death anniversary of a poet or no national holiday is announced on poet’s death as on it is announced on the death of politicians like APJ Abdul Kalam and recently on the death of Singer Lata Maneshkar. This poem was published in 1939 and still the same situation prevails. We don't find any change of society or nation in behaviour towards the poets. Poets come and go and the world doesn't stop, here we find the world's refusal to indulge in sentimental public mourning on the poet's death.

Also, a number of people died in the Corona pandemic but it made no effect on the world except for a few minutes of empathy. World was affected with economical breakdown not with the number of deaths.

The second part of the poetry talks about the survival/ role of poetry “For poetry makes nothing happen”. W.B Yeats has talked about war in ‘The Second Coming’ and the poem ‘On being Asked For A War’ during World war I which significantly shows negative aspects of war, but still in 1939 when Auden wrote this poem World War II was on the verge to begin and today even after the two great poet discussed about war, taunted/ criticised society for not reading and understanding literature, Ukraine- Russia war is on. And as it is said if it's not stopped World War III cannot be prevented. 1939 or 2022 still the society is the same, nothing can change it.

This is my reading about this poem’s relevance in today’s time.

This is one of the well known poems of Auden which captures feelings of fear and uncertainty in the face of fascism and war—as well as glimmers of hope that people might come together to counter authoritarianism. The poet is sitting in the bar of New York where still the war has not reached and the people are turning selfish thinking it's not their war but the poet feels the war and conveys the emotional response to the outbreak of World War II. today again when we see oppressive rulers like Putin we definitely see Hitler. Listening to Ukraine -Russia war one will easily recollect the poem ‘September 1, 1939’ poem.

Today when we see Putin’s invasion of Ukraine we also remember Hitler’s Invasion to Poland. When this poem was written the poet might not have had the idea that this invasion would turn into World war II and would end with Hitler’s suicide. Even today we don't know where this Ukraine- Russia war will take us. But the poem is similar to today’s situation too. Reading poems also brings fear to us of World War III.

“Obsessing our private lives;” the poem starts with the personal address of the poem and describes an America. When the war began in Germany and Poland the people were obsessed with their personal lives. Perhaps today we are the same as Americans, the war of invasion has begun but it doesn't affect us. We are happy in our lives. ‘Anger and fear’ of Jews overpowering Christian and today's waves of fear by politicians are Muslims will overpower Hindus if Hindus don't stay careful. These all are the small steps towards the war in the name of religion and nation.

“huge imago” hunger for power gives birth to dictators but they might also have their point of view. Hitler grew and was popular because he started working for the nation, the ‘Treaty to Versailles’ gave birth to Hitler. Martin Luther grows antisemitic to Jews as they refused to convert into christian and turned violent to them. Hitler, Martin both had their own reasons but the way they are or were celebrated gave rise to violence. Today we are seeing Nathuram Godse being celebrated. We understand the anti- Gandhi sentiment, everyone has their own rights but to celebrate ‘a murderer’ is giving rise to violence. A repetition of Germany's mistake of celebrating Hitler when he was ruling.

“Not only did we perform the puja and celebrated Hutatma Nathuram Godse’s birth anniversary in our office, but our 3000 workers lit up similar diyas at their homes in Gwalior in the memory of the true patriot,” said HM vice president Jaiveer Bhardwaj.

Referring to Thucydides’ Auden talked about ‘History of the Peloponnese War’ where Thucydides talked about the speeches of democratic and dictators to be nonsensical promises. Which is later suffered by all. Thucydides (460 – c. 400 BC) before thousands of years wrote it which is still applicable in today’s world.

“Into this neutral air……Who have never been happy or good.” At the time of World War II America became neutral in the war and did not support any country. But as it is said silence is support to an attacking part. E.g. If we are not helping to stop the fire then it indirectly indicates our support for the fire. America was lost in its The American dream, individualism, imperialism lost in American Euphoria. “The lights must never go out” we should have lights, food and comfort to let others suffer.

Similar conditions are seen today's various countries like India, Switzerland and many others have announced neutrality in the Ukraine- Russia war which is indirectly supporting to violence. It's necessary to understand that if anything is happening in one corner of the world , the whole world is going to suffer.

Even during pandemic time, India and many other nations lacked health care and then too they made very late decisions for precautions which caused many deaths. Authorities are busy fulfilling their ego and showing that India is a spiritual nation. Nothing happens here but the whole world suffers if one part suffers. Today India is polio free but we can't say it can't come again as the world is not yet polio free, Whole nation needs to walk together. Staying an individual in this difficult situations becomes international wrong.

Reading above idea in the poem remind PASTOR MARTIN NIEMÖLLER

“Repeating their morning vow; "I will be true to the wife,” this are all the romantic lies by people to each other. Which showcases the narrowness of the mind. “Deaf and dumb” dictators and their followers, no one can release them from their prison of self- ego and “Hunger allows no choice” hinder of German gave birth to Hitler similarly if any corner of the world will be suffering whole world have to tolerate its consequence.. So, “We must love one another or die.” Poet, as a good ironstone, shows the “affirming flame” of universal love.

Reflection to the activity:

This thinking activity turned out to be very tough as in this we are assigned to deal with the very recent issue of Ukraine Russia war and we don't find any such reading material for it. I felt a lack of newspaper reading habit because I needed to be aware of current situations. It took a lot of time reading, thinking and organising. I hope my efforts will be useful to readers in their understanding of writing.

These are my extensions to the given question. If you find anything to add or elaborate please write in the comment box. I hope it was useful to you. Please visit my another blog which conceals the underlying theme of the lack of acceptance of homosexuality in society in Sept 1, 1939, which deals with Queer Theory.CLICK HERE 

Work cited

Balakian, Peter. “Perspective | Auden’s Foreboding Poem ‘September 1, 1939,’ Captures Today’s Mood, Too.” Washington Post. Accessed March 7, 2022.

Bennetts, Marc. “New Russian Law Targets Evangelicals, Mormons, Other Faiths.” Newsweek, September 15, 2016.

Hanzlick, Randy, and Randy Hanzlick. Cause of Death and the Death Certificate: Important Information for Physicians, Coroners, Medical Examiners, and the Public. Northfield, Ill: College of American Pathologists, 2006.

“Martin Niemöller: ‘First They Came for the Socialists...’” Accessed March 7, 2022.

Mendelson, Edward. “Auden, Wystan Hugh (1907–1973), Poet and Writer.” Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Accessed March 7, 2022.

“Vladimir Putin and Religion - ReligionFacts.” Accessed March 7, 2022.


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