Monday, 22 October 2018

Poem: Light


                    The poem the light is written by a British poet and translator F.W.Bourdillon. He is also known as bibliophile and scholar. he was born on 22 march 1852 in Runcorn, united kingdom and died on 13 January 1921 in Midhurst, United Kingdom. Francis William bourdillon is popular for his short poems. He is famous for his single short poem Light: night has a thousands eyes. He also published many collections like among the 'flowers and other poems', 'minuscula: lyric of nature, art and nature'. He also published novels and translated books. 

                    The poem light is of two stanzas of total eight lines. The poem is perfect example of Personification. the rhyme of poem is a-b-a-b. The poem is based on love. different elements of nature is used to symbolize love. poem says as we cannot survive without sun similarly we cannot survive without love in the world.

                    The theme of  poem is love, love is force of nature, most profound emotion the human experiences. Love can be towards anyone animals, family, nature, friends, work, partner etc.  love encompasses strong and positive emotional and mental states. The best technique to evaluate love is happiness. Happiness is directly proportional to love. Love is a condition of mind brought by serenity of soul, it is state of peace. Light of love is power for human being.

'The night has a thousand eyes,
and the day but one;
yet the light of the bright world dies
with the dying sun.'

                    In the first stanza poet describes about the stars as the thousand eyes of the night and about the sun as only eye of the day. Day have only one star yet the whole world dies sinks in darkness when the sun dies. In this stanza stars, sun and world are personified by giving human qualities. stars are compared with eyes and world and sun is given quality of dying. Where the word dying is associated with humans. Thus here poet uses personification figure of speech. 

'The mind has a thousand eyes,
and the heart but one;
yet the light of whole life dies 
when love is done.'

                    The second stanza says that the mind have thousand thoughts, it never remains empty without thoughts. While, heart thinks only in one direction. Last two lines of the poem yet the light of whole life dies when love is done. It states even mind have more thoughts when heart falls in love it stops the mind and its thousand eyes are of no use. One falls in love the life dies, thoughts stops and only heart beats. Last in two lines whole life dies also shows that once a person falls in love he sees nothing else then love which destroys his/her life or when the beloved leaves you alone you loose your own-self

                    The poem concludes that the entire human life depends on love. life is dark without love. Thus, by using personification the poet draws attention of the reader towards the love and loved ones in life.            

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