Friday, 11 October 2013


                                    WHAT EDUCATION MEANS???????

                        It is usually that children are forced to study by teachers and parents it is because they want children at good place they want them to become something in their life and make them feel proud. But,  children of new age don't understood their feeling and start telling bad thing to them which hurt them and now children don't have any respect for teachers they just make their fun. Children feel education is all about studying and getting good marks they study (ratta) give exam and forgets what they wrote get good marks if they are asked same question next year no one knows answer. Yes, it is true that now a days all companies for job only sees their marks, no marks no job marks is everything no one sees their power of work, their comman sense like this company losses the most intelligent person in in company and gets the person with full marks dullest person. 
                       Education is not all about studying and getting good marks. It is really a means to discover new things which we don't know about and increase our knowledge. Education is rope that carry us to greatness. Without education you cant earn money can't live your livelihood. It is not that all children are perfect in studies if everyone will be perfect who will a sportsman, artist. We can also take a example of farmer is farmer studied? No, then also we can't live without them. It is not that all famous people are well qualified good at studies or come from good families. Take example of Thomas Alva Edison was from poor family but today because of him we have lights. We can also take example of present, Sachin Tendulkar he has only completed studies till 10th but today he is known as 'god of cricket.'  

                               What is education?? Education is an important human activity, is an essential human virtue, is necessary for society, teaches what man lives and struggles for, is a sign of superiority, is a sign of freedom,  is an essential basis of good life.
                                It doesn't mean that you don't have to study, you have to study for yourself not only studying for 1 year what  you study you should remember your whole life.  Study with your whole strength. Never do ratta mar.

                                Education today, more than ever before, must see clearly the dual objective: education for living and educating for making a living.

Please give more if you think i should enter in this!!

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