Monday, 20 February 2023

Learning Outcome of Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children

I have completed the original reading of Rushdie's Midnight's Children. This novel has deeply impacted me and I wanted to share a few lines from the book that resonated with me and changed my personality.

Learning Outcome

Literature has an essential role in shaping our lives and identities. It teaches us valuable lessons about the human experience, helping us to make sense of the world and our place in it. Through literature, we learn about love, loss, struggle, triumph, and how to navigate the complexities of life. It can help to shape our identities, broaden our horizons, and deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. By exposing us to new ideas, experiences, and perspectives, literature helps us become more well-rounded, empathetic, and thoughtful.

After reading Salman Rushdie's "Midnight's Children," I have gained several valuable insights into the nature of reality, life, and identity. 
Some of the most essential takeaways from the text are:
  1. The inevitability of death: We all owe death a life, and no dominion is everlasting.
  2. The subjectivity of reality: What's real and what's true aren't necessarily the same, and reality is a question of perspective.
  3. The importance of embracing complexity: Does one error invalidate the entire fabric? A blend of past and present is the glue of personality.
  4. The power of choice: A person must sometimes choose what they will see and what they will not.
  5. The relationship between action and thought: When thought becomes excessively painful, action is the finest remedy.
  6. The lasting impact of the past: What you were is forever who you are, and there is no escape from a past acquaintance.
  7. The nature of guilt and sickness: Guilt is a complex matter, and sickness is grief in the body.
  8. The duality of triumph and downfall: The moment of one's greatest triumph also contains the seeds of one's final downfall.
  9. The importance of self-acceptance: "I am who I am, that's all there is."
  10. The transient nature of things: "The clouds will soon roll by," and past and present are divided by an unbridgeable gulf.

By internalizing these insights, I have gained a deeper understanding of the complexities of life and the human experience, appreciate the power of perspective, the importance of self-acceptance, and the lasting impact of past experiences on present identity.

Here are some quotes from the novel which attracted me and helped me to grow more-

The learning outcome of reading Midnight’s Children:
  • The ice is always waiting just under the water's skin.
  • We all owe death a life.
  • You could not see the new city from the old one.
  • No dominion is everlasting.
  • Unless we're the ones who are wrong... no people whose word for 'yesterday' is the same as their word for tomorrow
  • What's real and what's true aren't necessarily the same
  • To understand just one life, you have to swallow the world.
  • Reality is a question of perspective
  • Does one error invalidate the entire fabric?
  • Be wise, Imitate the action of the snake. Be secret; strike from the cover of a bush.'
  • The moment of one's greatest triumph also contains the seeds of one's final Downfall;
  • The Clouds Will Soon Roll By
  • I am who I am, that's all there is.
  • Past and present, too, are divided by an unbridgeable gulf.
  • A blend of past and present is the glue of personality,
  • When thought becomes excessively painful, action is the finest remedy
  • No escape from a past acquaintance.
  • What you were is forever who you are.
  • What-can't-be-cured-must-be-endured
  • A person must sometimes choose what he will see and what he will not; look away, look away from there now.
  • Sickness is grief in the body
  • Guilt is a complex matter

Here is my blog on Midnight's Children- PART I AND PART II (Click on Part I and Part II to visit it)

This will be helpful. Thanks for visiting.

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